Emergency or Not? Tooth Sensitivity and When to Act

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — attleborodental @ 6:49 pm
Patient holding their cheek due to tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be a real pain, quite literally! It’s that sharp, sudden jolt you feel when you sip a hot coffee or bite into something cold. But does tooth sensitivity require an emergency appointment, or is it just an annoyance? The truth is it depends! Understanding the causes of tooth pain and when to seek help can save you from unnecessary worry and discomfort. So, continue reading to learn what you need to know.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the underlying layer of your teeth, called dentin, becomes exposed. This can happen due to several reasons, including:

  • Tooth Decay: Cavities can expose the dentin, leading to sensitivity.
  • Gum Recession: When gums recede, they leave parts of the tooth root exposed, which can be sensitive.
  • Worn Enamel: Enamel can be worn down from aggressive brushing or acidic foods and drinks, exposing the dentin underneath.
  • Cracked Teeth: Cracks in teeth can expose the dentin and cause sensitivity.
  • Teeth Grinding: Grinding or clenching your teeth can wear down the enamel and expose the dentin.
  • Recent Dental Procedures: Sensitivity can happen temporarily after procedures like fillings, crowns, or teeth whitening.

When Should I See a Dentist for Tooth Sensitivity?

While tooth sensitivity is common and often manageable, there are some situations where you should schedule an emergency visit with your dentist! Here are some of the most common emergency signals:

Persistent Sensitivity

If your tooth sensitivity lingers for more than a few days or weeks, it’s time to visit your dentist. Persistent sensitivity might indicate an underlying issue like a cavity or gum disease, that requires professional treatment.

Severe Pain

Mild sensitivity is normal, but if you experience severe pain that disrupts your daily life, call a dentist immediately. Intense pain could be a sign of a more serious problem, such as a tooth infection or abscess.

Visible Damage

If you notice visible damage to your teeth, such as cracks, chips, or significant wear, make an emergency appointment with your dentist. These issues can expose the dentin to bacteria and increase sensitivity, potentially leading to more severe problems if left untreated.

Signs of Infection

If you experience additional symptoms like swelling, redness, or a bad taste in your mouth, these could indicate an infection. Infections require prompt attention to prevent them from spreading and causing more significant health issues.

Tooth sensitivity doesn’t always require emergency care, but it’s important to listen to your body. If you experience persistent, severe, or unusual symptoms, it’s best to call your dentist. It’s much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your dental health and keeping your smile bright!

About the Practice

If you need emergency help for your dental pain in North Attleborough, Attleboro Dental Group can help. We use advanced diagnostic technology and practiced dental techniques to discover, treat, and soothe tooth pain, infections, and more. Call (774) 331-0260 to schedule an emergency appointment with us or visit our website to see more about the treatments and services we provide.

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